Friday 12 May 2017

Movies I Actually Like: Action Films

Today I thought we'd lighten the tone a bit from our previous sessions together. We've been talking about bad movies for a while, horrible pieces of cinema that deserve to be ridiculed and attacked to no end.

This time, we're talking about something a little different: good movies! I know, I'm shocked too!

Despite my continuing mission being to warn the masses of the worst movies ever made, sometimes you just need to step back and take a break. Sometimes you need to watch some movies that aren't complete garbage. You need to take some back for yourself.

But that's enough talk. Let's just get into the meat of this post: my favorite action movies! In no particular order, I'll be counting off action films that made me feel happy inside, and briefly describing what I like about them.


John Wick (2014)/John Wick Chapter 2 (2017)

Let's start off a few recent action flicks that made me realize that I should see more action films in theatres.

The John Wick films center around the titular hero, John, a former assassin who was happily retired with his wife living in a big, lush manor. Keyword: was. His wife ended up dying, leaving him in terrible grief. All John has now to remember his wife is his car and a puppy she left him. Despite the puppy saddening him, he takes care of it for her. For a time, he was living his life, doing his best to get through his mourning period. He seemed like he would be OK...until one faithful day.

A few members of the mob break into John's place, beat the crap out of him, steal his car and kill his puppy. That was enough to push John over the edge, and he breaks out his old bag of tricks to take vengeance upon those who wronged him.

This movie was directed by veteran stuntmen and they make their love of the genre clear in every frame. The camera and stunt work in  this movie is incredible. Not only can you clearly see what's going on, but it manages to excite you all the same! Keanu Reeves, who plays the title character is very dedicated to his work as both an emotional actor and a physical actor, happily doing his own stunts and not relying on a stunt double. This is always something that adds a lot to an action movie.

Unlike many an action protagonist these days, John Wick actually has a backstory and a good reason to go out doing what he's doing. Sure, he's a major badass who can murder someone with a pencil, but he's also a man struggling with grief and trying to leave his past behind him with little success. He's someone we can root for, and I think that's essential in any film, action or not. That's why I love John Wick.

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Indiana Jones is one of the classic action heroes. He's the everyman, and yet a total badass at the same time. Even aside from that, the action in this movie is amazing with Harrison Ford's amazing stuntwork.

John Williams' score also adds to the experience, keeping our hearts pounding just as much as Indie's as he makes his way through treacherous dangers. A good musical score is one of the most important things to keep us involved in these kinds of movie, and I feel like a lot of action movies forget this nowadays.

Nobody ever tries to make memorable movie scores anymore. That's pretty saddening to me.

Aliens (1986)

From horror icon to action movie mook. What a journey the xenomorph has gone through.

In all seriousness, this movie is awesome. The movie manages to be very exciting and very suspenseful all at once as our heroes battle the endless alien hordes. Despite the brief screen time of most of the characters, they still manage to be memorable. Ripley, Newt, Bishop, Hicks, Hudson, and Vasquez just to name a few.

Speaking of Ripley, let's talk about her for a moment. I'm fairly sure she's the one who kickstarted the whole "action girl protagonist" genre of film that Hollywood loves so much. Not that I'm complaining. She's a film icon at this point, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Furious 7 (2015)

HA! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....

This movie's so silly. I love it so much.

This is the first Fast and the Furious movie I ever saw, and it set a tone, yes it did. While I did feel a bit lost at the beginning, I settled in just fine after 10 minutes. I got the gist of what was happening fairly quickly and settled in for a wild ride.

The action in this movie is completely ridiculous, but in a good kind of way. You're able to suspend your disbelief pretty far because of how crazy and fun this movie is, and even if you don't like Vin Diesel as a leading man, you've got an entire crew as well so you're going to find someone to root for.

This movie isn't high art, not even close. But it's fun, and that's all that matters!

Predator (1987)

Stealthy aliens, ripped soldiers and Arnold Schwarzenegger. How can you go wrong?

That, and this movie manages to build both tension and intrigue like few others can. 

The Matrix (1999)

Now this is an action masterpiece. 

Amazing camerawork. Unique special effects. An amazing concept and execution. The Matrix is truly the height of the Wachowskis' career.

It's unfortunate that its' sequels were so friggin' weird.

Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

This movie is an absolute classic. I love every single minute of it. The action, the suspense, the characters, the acting even, this movie's got it all.

It also has one of the best action movie antagonists of all time: the T-1000. A cold, unfeeling robot battling a guardian bot protecting a rumbunctious child. A great idea with a perfect execution. The T-1000 just makes me grin every time those special effects are on-screen. It's so interesting seeing how they implemented both the practical and CG effects to turn Robert Patrick into a liquid-metal monster.

Arnold Schwarzenegger delivers a surprisingly good performance as the T-800 (odd, seeing his resume) which is both threatening and surprisingly heartfelt. Sarah's inner monologue about how leaving her son with Arnie is one of those iconic movie moments you never really forget. It's strange, and yet genuine in the best way possible. I would highly recommend this movie to any fan of action flicks.

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Speaking of practical effects, let's talk about Fury Road. The chases in this movie are damned impressive, with huge impractical cars driving across the desert while everything around them explodes all done with minimal CG.

While the film does get repetitive at times you can't doubt the amount of effort that went into it. So much effort that it won 6 academy awards the year it was released!

Robocop (1987)

An action-packed satire of 80's culture and veritable fountain of memes. What more is there to be said?

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Swashbuckling action, ghost pirates, lost treasure, and Johnny Depp.

To think that one of my favourite action movies of all time came from the family-friendly giant known as Disney is truly something to behold. Yet here it is.

Pirates is one of those movies that manages to create a truly memorable cast of characters, put them in horrible danger, and have you on the edge of your seat the entire time. True, it's a gang of pirates who rob and pillage people but that's part of the movie's charm.

Go ahead and watch it if you haven't already.

Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)

And last but most certainly not least we have Kingsman: The Secret Service. It manages to combine everything I love about spy movies, action flicks, and quick-witted British comedies all rolled up into one great picture.

It's a thrill ride that had me on the edge of my seat and laughing my ass off at every turn, all brought together by a talented cast and a passionate director. I can't do it justice. You can only see it for yourself.

Well, I'm done rambling for now. Tune in next time for a regular garbage film review!

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